From Baby to Boy
February has been a very busy month so far and will continue to be right up to March. Among a very busy work schedule and having company Jeff and I have been planning Carson's 3rd birthday party out of town. But I don't want this month to go by so fast that I miss the milestone that this birthday represents. My baby boy is anything but.
I look back on photos and can see how his face has been shedding that baby look for that of an active little boy! So much has changed between 2 and 3. Carson is very independent. He loves to do things himself or at least give it a try. He's doing such a great job potty training and helping out around the house. His vocabulary astounds me...he is very much the sponge!
So, I take the time to hold him a little longer, rock him when he will let me, read with him, play with him, dance and sing with him. I just have to remind myself sometimes that we need to enjoy all that we can. I love this age. He still thinks I've hung the moon. He calls me princess and saves me from the dragon. He knows how to use the force and how to swing a light saber. He's the best car racer, block stacker, bike rider I know. I'm looking forward to the adventures of this 3 year old!
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