Time keeps on slippin'...

"Time is the coin of your life.  It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.  Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."  
~Carl Sandburg 

 I find that some of my days just slip through my fingers if I'm not paying attention. The routine of the day takes over and before I know it it's dinner time. But where does this time go? I really can't tell you the answer to this. I'm still trying to figure it out myself. The older I get the faster time seems to move. I guess my lesson here is to relish time and embrace it instead of viewing it as an enemy. This is really difficult sometimes. 

All through my life I've heard "Carpe Diem" Seize the Day! Great philosophy...nearly impossible to live by on a daily basis. Or what about all the 'live like your dying' songs. I like them...I sing along with them...but again let's be honest. If I had my druthers then I would not work (even though I love my job), I wouldn't spend time doing laundry (even though I need clean clothes), I would never dust (it's my least favorite chore ever even though I equally hate a dusty house). But there are certain things we have to do in our lives so we can live. Okay, that was a little corny but true. 

So we do the chores that need to be done and go to work to make a living but it's all for a greater goal. Seize the Moment is more my speed. I can't stop doing all that has to be done but the "moments" are what I work for. Maybe these are two different subjects: The passing of time and the making the most of the time we have. But I think it's really about awakening yourself to the understanding of balance. The balance of work and home, of productivity and relaxation, of family and friends, of time for others and time for yourself. This is what I am working on...balance.


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